Republican Party of EBR Makes Endorsements

Republican Party of EBR Makes Endorsements

GOP Endorses Tim Kelley and Toni Higginbotham For Supreme Court, Mike McDonald for Appeals

BATON ROUGE — The Republican Party of East Baton Rouge Parish Wednesday night announced its endorsement of two of the eight candidates seeking a vacant seat on the Louisiana Supreme Court.

Receiving the Supreme Court endorsement were Court of Appeal Judge Toni Higginbotham and District Court Judge Tim Kelley.

The party also endorsed Court of Appeal Judge Mike McDonald for reelection.

Parish Republican Party chairman Woody Jenkins said making the endorsement for Supreme Court was extremely difficult.  “We have five excellent Republican candidates running for the Supreme Court, and any of them would be a credit to the court.  However, at this point, we have to try to select the strongest candidate who can get into the Dec. 8 runoff and then win in that runoff.  We met with each of the candidates at length, studied their biographies and legal writings, and subjected them to pretty intense questioning.  In the end, we felt that Judge Higginbotham and Judge Kelley were the best choices to carry the Republican banner.  They are both solid conservatives who could take the Supreme Court in a new, more conservative direction, and they are both potential winners in the runoff against the Democrat.  We urge all Republican voters to consider our recommendations.”

Jenkins said McDonald is also a proven conservative with a solid record and deserves to be reelected.

Party secretary Ryan Cross announced the results at GOP headquarters at 7047 Jefferson Hwy.

GOP executive committee Jerry Arbour announced that, as expected, the local Republican Party committee has unanimously endorsed the Romney-Ryan ticket and Congressman Bill Cassidy.

Ryan said volunteers who want to help elect GOP candidates should send their contact information to

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