Republicans Endorse Caldwell for AG
The Republican Party of East Baton Rouge Parish has endorsed Buddy Caldwell for reelection as Attorney General in the Oct. 24 primary. The party cited Caldwell’s conservative stand on 12 key issues:
• Filed suit to block Obamacare;
• Filed suit to protect the Louisiana Constitution’s ban on same-sex marriage;
• Sought injunction to block President Obama ex-
ecutive order on amnesty for illegal aliens;
• Filed suit to block illegal EPA regulations
• Challenged Obama’s moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico;
• Raided ACORN office over the theft of $5 million and ultimately shut it down nationwide.
• Challenged the use of illegal aliens in apportioning Congressional seats;
• Challenged ATF plan to ban cartridges for AR-15 rifles;
• Challenged San Francisco ordinance requiring that handguns be stored at all times in a locked box;
• Recovered hundreds of millions of dollars from drug companies that defrauded the State of Louisiana’s Medicaid program.
• Recovered $8.8 billion from BP for the State of Louisiana, the largest settlement in U.S. history
• Began Internet Cyber Crime Unit, which made the largest child pornography bust in U.S. history.
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