CPS Third Annual Rebel Run Results
CENTRAL — The 3rd Annual Rebel Run 5K was held on Saturday, Feb. 9 at Central Private School. Runners followed a course that took them down Centerra Court to Gurney Road through part of Willowood Acres and then back to the school. Medals were awarded based on age and gender divisions to the following winners:
Female Medal Winners
• Ages 5-9 – Emily Threeton
• Ages 10-15 – Whitney Williston
• Ages 16-20 – Heather Bennett
• Ages 21-25 – Katherine Schilling
• Ages 26-30 – April Renard
• Ages 31-35 – Melonie Ellzey
• Ages 36-40 – Sherry Threeton
• Ages 41-45 – Debbie Bennett
• Ages 46-50 – Stacy Belgard
• Ages 51 & up – Jan Easley
Male Medal Winners
• Ages 5-9 – Reese Dean
• Ages 10-15 – Kory Nijoka
• Ages 16-20 – Austin Adams
• Ages 31-35 – James Harthoom
• Ages 41-45 – Kyle Dean
• Ages 46-50 – Al Naquin
• Ages 51 & up – David Kneeling
Overall Metal Winners
• Female – Amie Gilbert
• Male – Troy Alello
The Annual Rebel Run 5K is co-sponsored by the Central Private School Parents’ Club and the CPS National Honor Society. Ms. Jill Coon, National Honor Society and high school science teacher, chairs the Rebel Run committee. Proceeds from this annual race are used by the Parents’ Club to fund educational supply requests made by classroom teachers.
The Parents’ Club and the National Honor Society would like to thank the following companies and individuals for their assistance with the year’s race: Central Drugs, North Point Spa, Coca-Cola Baton Rouge, Complete Nutrition, Wal-Mart of Central, Oak Point of Central, Sam’s Club of Denham Springs, Smoothie King of Central, Raising Cane’s of Central, Bank of Zachary, Dudley DeBosier Injury Lawyers, and JBS Companies.
Special thanks to Bayou Apparel for the design of he Rebel Run t-shirts.
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